iPad functionality everywhere

In 2009, Intel showed the Oasis project. It displays on all surfaces an interactive computer screen. One can control the 'screen' like a touch screen. Just like the iPad today. Cool.


Total Recall - MyLifeBits

MyLifeBits is a Microsoft research project by Gordon Bell & Jim Gemmell. Their idea is to capture as much data as possible that we come across every day. So from a camera hanging on their chest, they automatically capture a photo every 30 sec . They also constantly record audio, take geotaged photo's, digitize all their paper documents and so on. 

See the video for a more detailed explanation of their work and some use cases.I really like the health story (min 17) : 'they look a bit better, don't they"

More interesting read and watching on their Total Recall project page.



EEG Controlled Ping Pong Game

The racket moves upwards by left hand movement imagination and downwards by right hand movement imagination.

Read more.


Secret Knock Door Lock

Open your appartment door with a secret knock.A great idea and an great implementation, but would you also trust and use this?

This is made by

Integrating life translation into Google Goggles

See this amazing demo. Google Goggles translates life a German menu into English. It is still in development, but when they release it, I will use it, on one of my next trips to Japan, to translate Japanese menu's into English. I will finally know what I order ;-)

Read full article on the new Google translate blog.